Copy of Jeronimus Bononiensis

This Italian harpsichord is an accurate reproduction of a historic model created by Jeronimus Bononiensis in 1521, exemplifying Italian Renaissance craftsmanship. The body of the instrument is constructed of high-quality cypress with a lacquered and ornate outer case that enhances its beauty and protection. Equipped with two 8' registers, boxwood and pear keys, and a soundboard made of spruce from Val di Fiemme, the harpsichord offers a clear and rich sound suitable for a wide repertoire ranging from Renaissance to Baroque music. The keyboard includes 51 keys with extension options on request, and brass strings further enhance the sound quality. The size of the istrument is ideal for use in various concert settings. In addition to models such as the Bononiensis, reproductions of other famous makers such as Giusti can be ordered, offering customized solutions for specific needs, always maintaining historical fidelity and acoustic quality.

Price: €8.000 + VAT

CassaCassa in cipresso con cassa esterna in legno laccato e decorato.
RegistriDue registri - 8' + 8’.'Tasti in legno di bosso e pero
Tavola ArmonicaTavola armonica in abete rosso della Val di Fiemme
TastiTasti in bosso e pero Estensione: Do- re , 51 tasti (ampliabile su richiesta)
CordeIn Ottone



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